How to Get Rid of Muffin Top Fat

Get Rid of Muffin Top Fat: Why Doing Ab Exercises Won't Work

It's a common misconception that the best exercises to get rid of muffin top fat are the one that focus on the muffin top area itself. The fact is, while that might seem to make the most sense, it's simply not true. There are a couple of things that factor into this, part of it is diet, and part of it is some of the science behind workouts themselves.

How to Get Rid of Muffin Top Fat

Why Belly Fat is the Most Stubborn and How to Melt Away the Muffin Top

Our society today is overflowing with delicious tasting foods. The problem is that the vast majority of these foods, though they taste so good, are made from artificial and chemically altered ingredients. There are a few particularly bad ones that contribute a lot to belly fat and love handles. Some of them are high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, and enriched wheat flower. These ingredients and many others have been severely altered from their natural forms, so your body cannot process them as it ought to. This results in quick build up of fats surrounding your internal organs as well as simply over your muscle. It's the combination of those fats that make the muffin top area so hard to lose. You can start the fat melting process by avoiding processed and artificial foods. This is easy to do by simply making the foods you already love at home with real ingredients.

Why Ab Exercises Just Won't Work for getting rid of Belly Fat and Love Handles

Now that you know how to fight the build up of belly fat through avoiding the right foods, it will be easier to understand why all of those cool little magical ab machines won't give you the results you crave. Because so much of the fat in the muffin top area stems from internal fat, doing exercises that are meant to strengthen the abs and core won't be enough to burn the belly fat away. The reason for this is that your body will burn more fat, for longer, and in the places you need if your workout raises your metabolic rate for an extended amount of time.

The problem with exercises that isolate any one muscle group, such as ab crunches, tricep extensions, bicep curls, or leg extensions, is that even if you do them at a rate that pumps up your cardio, your metabolic rate will only be increased and burning fat for a couple hours after you finish. In order to get rid of that muffin top fat fast you should be doing compound, or multi-joint exercises. An example of some of these are, pull-ups, squats, presses, and lunges. Exercises like these work entire muscle groups together, giving you a full body work out and a better cardiovascular workout. A good full body workout using compound exercises will raise your metabolic rate for up to two days, instead of the measly two hours of other workouts. That means that your body is dissolving that stomach fat long after you finish your workout.

The Truth about losing muffin top fat

The reality is, there will always be people out there trying to sell the latest miracle Ab forming device, or trying to market that their processed foods are good for you because they've "enriched" it with vitamins. The truth is that in order to really lose the muffin top fat, you need to focus on what brings health and fitness to your body as a whole.

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