It's harder for shorties to lose weight because their metabolisms are slower, said Craig Primack, president of the Obesity Medicine Association. We know, it sounds sad, but it's real.
As if that weren't enough, when a woman gains weight, even if it's a couple of pounds, it's more noticeable than a tall one. In addition, they can lose weight very easily, while the short ones have to "kill themselves" to achieve that goal.
The specialist explained that a woman of average height has a basal metabolic rate of 1,400 calories per day, which means that if she remains immobile for 24 hours they will burn that amount of calories.
However, in those that are less than 5 feet that rate is only 1200 calories; in contrast to the high ones, that is to say, those that have a greater size to the one referred to above are capable of burning up to 1750 calories per day.
In simple words, the specialist's words mean that the smaller your body is, the less energy it needs and that's why it burns less, which is why losing weight is complicated.
Obviously this is bad news, however, what you must do to make the diet work is to eat according to your needs, for which, ideally, you should visit a nutritionist who designs a feeding plan for you.
But not everything is bad, because there is also a study that states that shopping helps you lose weight.
We suggest you exercise. Running is a good way to speed up your metabolism and burn fat, ideally combined with a little gym to build lean muscles.
You should also increase your intake of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Remember that health is beauty, so take care of yourself. To help you in the process we share these tricks to lose 10 pounds in a month.